Traditional Bent Over Putting vs Stand Up Golf Putting
By Al Delgado
1. A short putter and a traditional bent over putting stance/setup presets angles into legs, back/spine positions a putting stance/body lower to ground (up, down) and off balance, arms are bent at elbows (in and out motion) and hands are disconnected(angle) from forearms.
2. A traditional putting stance is positioned at two split angles that oppose, (cantilever) work against each other, in constant motion (yips) that disrupt natural turning, timing, rhythm, balance and control.
3. The body/putting stance does not setup whole,( not static) bending at waist feels unnatural, increases pressure on back/spine, increases muscle tension, disrupts feeling, control in hands and putting stroke, (distance control) mind becomes cluttered, focus/concentration is diverted to maintaining back/spine angle.
4. Putting stance is not set in a relaxed static state, head/eyes are not positioned over and in line to golf ball, arm/hands do not remain on a natural swing path/position.
5. At golf ball address bending forward over at waist pushes hands/putter face, putting swing path above a golf ball. (offline 4 inches)
6. Arms are not set at a full extension, (bent at elbow) hands/wrists are bent and disconnected from forearms/shoulder, placed in a free state and forced to take control.
7. If hands are not neutral/parallel to each other, hands will fight each other for dominance, golfers lose focus, control, feeling for acceleration and distance. Who will win? You lose!
8. During a putting stroke, bent arms/hand/wrists work independent and constantly adjusting (in and out) throughout entire putting stroke.
9. If body/putting stance are not set parallel to putting line, arms/hands/putter will wonder offline backward and forward, stroke/putter will start to follow putting stance (legs) direction.
10. Hands/putter will fall off line, not square up and twist, golfer will jab at golf ball (YIPS, push/pull) and release, stroke/putter will follow putting stance (legs) direction.
If putting stance angles (bent over) are set extreme ( Michele Wei, Phil Mickelson 75-90+ degrees) at back and not maintained during putting stroke, lower and upper body will not work in unison or remain in position, golfer will lose feel for direction and distance.
Traditional putting stance angle adjusting (back/legs) motion constantly disrupts and distracts golfer's, stroke positions putter face above, below, open, closed before contacting a golf ball and will not allow putting stroke/putter to release thru a golf ball causing a jerk motion (YIPS) , push or pull, offline putts and golf ball deceleration. (missed 3 foot putt!)
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