Bryson Dechambeau Single Length Set Can Work For Your Golf Game By Al Delgado Learn the mental and physical swing setup Bryson Dechambeau maintains with single length golf clubs, used to win U.S. amateur and NCAA championship and now everyone can change to and benefit? Bryson swing stance sets up more vertical because 7 iron length control and set angles in legs/back/spine, (less lower back pressure) result is a simple, more efficient swing motion. (less moving/ rotating parts) The back/spine angle control position of shoulder line and shoulders set/position swing/hand/golf club trajectory angle. (single plane) ...

Do you suffer from a sore back because of golf? Are you having trouble with poor contact, loss of distance and lack of fun when playing golf? THEN STAND UP! Why do you bend over so much to hit a golf ball? YOUR CLUBS ARE TOO SHORT! Stand Up Golf is based on getting players to stand up to a more comfortable address position unleashing the effortless golf swing with power and accuracy.