Standup Golf Helps Stop Golfers From Slicing! By Al Delgado Do you know why you slice a golf ball? Sliced golf shots for a right handed golfer start left of your target line and curve drastically to the right. The slice shot is caused by an increase in side spin on a golf ball from the swing path of the club and the club face being open at impact. A slice offers no forward roll on the ground when the ball lands and flies shorter in the air then a straight shot or draw. A slice is caused when a player swings across the target line, impacting an outside portion of the golf ball imparting side spin that causes the ball to curve to the right for a right handed player. There are multiple, physical factors that contribute to slicing a golf shot. The most important major physical factor is that in the traditional golf swing setup the back and spine are bent forward at the waist to extreme angles causing golfer’s to swing across the target line creating a sliced sho...

Do you suffer from a sore back because of golf? Are you having trouble with poor contact, loss of distance and lack of fun when playing golf? THEN STAND UP! Why do you bend over so much to hit a golf ball? YOUR CLUBS ARE TOO SHORT! Stand Up Golf is based on getting players to stand up to a more comfortable address position unleashing the effortless golf swing with power and accuracy.