Standup Golf Let's You Take It To Practice Range To The First Tee Box
By Al Delgado
Today and now golfers can change, or benefit, we have proven StandUp Golf works for all.
Standup golf knows and can prove why you/golfers can’t take it from driving range to the golf course, can and will permanently fix it. Just Standup!
On the driving range and practice putting green all short, progressive standard length golf clubs/ irons and short putters set, control and constantly change/adjust swing stance/height (angles in legs/ knees) and back/spine angles.
Practice does NOT! make perfect, on driving range and putting green all golfer’s focus on golf ball flight and distance, no one is aware inconsistent swing stance and golf club/ putter face angles directly affect ability to control and hit golf shots at intended target (missed fairways and greens)and make putts.
Once any golfer grips any golf club with dominant hand, (right, left) entire body and golf club are tied together.
Any body movement directly change swing/ golf club elevation (up, down, forward, backward) and club face at golf ball impact.(open, closed, SHANK!)
On first tee box and green, first time all golfers guess and not able to line up swing stance perpendicular (square) to clubface, aim both direct/parallel at intended target(AIM) , reset same exact swing stance and clubface angles from driving range to golf course.
Stand up golf and Hawkeye On Target, On line aligners with single length golf club/irons take guess work out of your inconsistent swing stance setup and bad aiming from tee to green and improve your entire golf game.
Standup! stop beating the “ole” traditional bent over golf swing setup that continues to confuse, frustrate and injure.
All golfers! Today and now take control of your golf destiny!
Standup golf unifies mind, body and golf swing, instantly restarts golf improvement for all.
What do you have to lose except strokes.
Standup Golf is the only ONE! that can genetically teach/duplicate Bryson’s swing set up in days and not years!
Standup Golf guarantees all golfers can and will reap same mental and physical swing setup benefits (less lower back pressure) and golfers will go beyond any traditional bent over golf pro without major swing changes or setback.
You own the key - just Standup!
If you are reading this don't waste anymore time struggling with your golf game.
StandUp Golf offers a Starter Package for $99 with a custom made iron, quick start guide, 50 page eBook by Al Delgado, two Hawkeye Golf Aligners, practice and strategy guide by Arlen Bento Jr., a $50* certificate towards the purchase of new set of StandUp Golf irons, ($500 or more*) a $100 certificate towards a StandUp Golf School and 3 months access to the StandUp Golf online learning community. We strive for 100% satisfaction to all our clients.
Visit for more information or for golf schools and classes that are filling up quickly, sign up today and start on the path to success in golf.