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Showing posts from September, 2016

How Many Golfers in the World Would Benefit from Single Length Golf Irons like Bryson DeChambeau?

How Many Golfers in the World Would Benefit from Single Length Golf Irons like Bryson DeChambeau? By Al Delgado So how many golfers in the world would benefit from Single Length Golf Irons and Stand Up Golf.                      Everything depends on how you define a golfer, but broad estimates of 'regular' golfers (those who play at least one round on a recognized golf course per year or use a practice facility such as a driving range) put the worldwide figure at about 60 million+ and growing. A study by Sports Marketing Surveys gave a figure of 61.1 million, with the following geographical mix: America: 37.1 million Asia: 13.6 million Europe: 6.9 million Australasia: 1.7 million South America: 1 million Africa: 0.5 million That is a lot of golfers that would benefit from Single Length Golf Irons. The problem is that instructors are going to have to adjust the way they teach the golf swing to accom...

Bryson DeChambeau Got It Right with Single Length Golf Irons

Bryson DeChambeau Got It Right with Single Length Golf Irons By Al Delgado Yes, Single Length Golf Irons are now golf's new hot golf equipment buzz that is revitalizing the golf industry. Single Length Golf Irons are not new to golf, the concept has been tried and failed before, so what makes today's interest so different? Bryson DeChambeau!  Single Length Golf Irons have never had a Champion with the credentials, intellectual background and 20 million dollar Cobra contract like DeChambeau. Unfortunately, with the success of Bryson DeChambeau, just converting to Single Length Golf Irons is not only the answer. How you learn to use these clubs is most important. We have the answer -  Stand Up Golf! The golf industry and the golf teaching professionals need to understand and comprehend the real change that comes with playing Single Length Golf Irons is not as easy as it seems. For the last 10+ years I have been testing and documenting Single Length Golf Iro...

Why You Should Convert to Single Length Golf Irons Like Bryson DeChambeau

Why You Should Convert to Single Length Golf Irons Like Bryson DeChambeau By Al Delgado Single Length Golf Irons offer a consistent swing stance and club to golf ball position. This is why there is so much interest in Bryson DeChambeau and his new 20 million dollar Cobra contact to play Single Length Golf Irons. What people don’t understand is that there is a process to learn how to use Single Length Golf Irons like DeChambeau. I call it Stand Up Golf! Stand Up Golf sets the body upright, and eliminates body angles, uncomfortable swing movement and confusing, sequential swing thoughts just like DeChambeau. Stand Up Golf will set up a swing stance that is relaxed with no muscle tension, no lower back pressure or stress from misaligned, separated, rotating and moving swing components. Stand Up Golf eliminates guessing, sets a consistent, level balanced swing stance on all golf shots, maintains equilibrium, peripheral vision and focus on target.   ...

Bryson DeChambeau Challenges the Golf Equipment Industry with Single Length Golf Irons

Bryson DeChambeau Challenges the Golf Equipment Industry with Single Length Golf Irons By Al Delgado Ever wonder why golf clubs are built they way they are? Professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau asked himself this same question when he started winning golf tournaments playing Single Length Golf Irons.   Traditional golf irons go back many years before technology and over that time the traditional set of irons were developed with shorter lofted clubs and less lofted longer clubs and everyone just adapted.  With the shorter clubs came the need to bend over in the golf swing.   Bending over in the golf swing does nothing but hurt the golfer in their attempt to make solid contact and gain valuable distance.   It is terrible for you back as many golfers have back problems.  Take a look at Bryson DeChambeau’s golf swing; he is not bent over very much in his set up.  His spine angles are much more upright then many other professional ...